Feedback from some of our valued customers

In a competitive market, we understand the importance of best in class customer service. We are proud to list feedback below from some of our valued customers:

“TJH Export Packaging have been our supplier for over 3 years now and we are delighted with the service we receive”

David Arnold

“We always find the pricing to be fair and an accurate reflection of the market, and I have known the prices to go down as well – this shows that it’s not just a one way street when it comes to pricing”

James Stay

“Working with TJH Export Packaging for the last 18 months has been a very positive experience, not once have I been let down with a failed order which is very important to me”

Richard Tyler

“TJH give me everything I need to fulfil my job, which is helpful! I know I don’t have to worry about quality or stock so I can then carry on with my shipments as normal. Good work!”

Mark Burton

“Price isn’t always everything, Customer Service is just as important so I’m happy to say that TJH Export Packaging gives me both – I definitely recommend them”

Raymond Wilson

“So often in the past, I’ve been drawn in with cheap prices only to get right to the end and have to pay for delivery, so frustrating. I like the fact that I can order my palletwrap in bulk, at a competitive price and not have to pay for delivery – I recommend TJH Export Packaging”

John Weatherfield